

In October 2019 voters of Winchendon rejected monies for the architectural plans and build document phase of a new fire station.  The two major points brought up on town floor by the Finance Committee were the need to go before Capital Planning and the need to reduce the price.  The current fire station proposal has now been before Capital Planning and other boards multiple times and with a lot of hard work the price has been reduced by almost $4 million dollars, even during these times of pandemic prices, by reconfiguring the size and layout.

After unanimous support at the Capital Planning meeting to move forward, the fire department is hoping that the Board of Selectmen put the proposed article forward to the voters at the Fall Town Meeting.  In potential preparation of this, the department will be conducting various informational meetings, Zoom platforms, Facebook posts, FAQ handouts and various other ways to get the information out to the voters.  Dates for these will be out soon.